The German soldier is a grimly determined fighter who
has scarcely known what it is like to live as an independent
human being, and whose religion may be summed up in a
single word: Nazism.
In his parent's home, in school, in the many subdivisions
of the Hitler Youth Movement, in the shop, and in
the Reich Labor Service, the army recruit has been bred as
a National Socialist. The official point of view regarding
national and international matters has been the only point
of view he has ever known. All his newspapers, books,
magazines, and every other source of information available
to him have been "doctored." He knows what the Nazi
Party permits him to know, and nothing more. Above
everything in the world, he is aware of his allegiance to the
National Socialist State and of his life work of being a
German. It is his proudest belief that he belongs to "the German race" and
that as a result he is something he calls an "Aryan."
Nothing is easier to explode than this theory, and the
fact that the Germans cling to it shows how far state
control has corrupted the common sense of a whole
nation. Actually, the Germans are not a separate race. They
are Caucasians (as are nearly all European peoples), and
since Germany has been the melting pot of all the invading
groups which have crossed that territory for the
past 3,000 years, German blood is a mixture of many
strains. It is heavily Polish, for example.
The truth about the word "Aryan" is that it does not
pertain to physical characteristics, but to the science of
words, and means a member of one of the peoples who
speak what is called an "Indo-European" language; hence
Portuguese, Armenians, Greeks, Italians, and dozens of
other peoples are as Aryan as the Germans. Contrary
to all modern science, however, the Nazis use the term in
a racial sense, and identify the German people with it.
The German superiority myth is not an invention of the
Nazis, who merely give great publicity to a theory that
was popular back in the 19th century. The Kingdom of
Prussia and her sympathizers, at that time struggling to
combine numerous German states into a united nation,
found the doctrine of racial superiority a powerful political
weapon. It must be remembered that the German
soldier is a product of 1,500 unhappy years of German
history, and that the inability of his people to form a united
and lasting state has given him a private sense of national
inferiority. In "Aryanism," with the Nazi trimmings,
the German people have hit upon a kind of national religion,
and one which helps them to forget that as a nation
they have always been a political failure. In this religion
the leaders are the state, and the state is god.
In teaching German superiority, the soldier's army
training more or less picks up where the Youth Movement
leaves off. His mind is filled with continuous propaganda
which exalts war and makes it seem unavoidable, humane,
and heroic. The present war is presented to him as a
struggle for national existence forced on Germany by a
degenerate, crafty, and ruthless enemy. The soldier is
taught this kind of thing hand in hand with his really excellent
training in purely military matters--not that he is
receiving military training for the first time. It must be
remembered that in the activities of Youth Movement
societies he learned rifle marksmanship, close-order drill,
combat scouting, and many other aspects of warfare. All
along the way, these societies were preparing him for a
soldier's life.
As soon as he is called up for Service, he is tested for his
special abilities and qualifications so that the Army can
decide in which branch he is to be trained. He is then
sent to a training center, where he remains for about six
months, unless the need for troops in the field is so great
that his training period must be shortened. At the present
time, German training centers take advantage of as
many short cuts as possible. Normally, during the
soldier's first 4 months at the training center, emphasis is
placed on his development as an individual fighter. During
the fifth month he works on platoon and company
problems, and during the sixth month he takes part in
battalion and regimental exercises. After the sixth month
his class ordinarily would join in divisional maneuvers,
but in wartime such large-scale maneuvers often are
omitted. If the recruit displays marked ability while at
the training center, he may be allowed to attend a specialists
school--for example, a Communications School.
The German soldier's recreation is designed to build up
his sense of mental and physical superiority. German
sports have been geared to assist the nation-wide program
of military training. Their chief function is to toughen
the body and encourage combativeness. In most games, as
in military training, the emphasis is on the importance
of winning--not on sports for their own sake.
Plenty of books and motion pictures are made available
to the troops, but, as is so often the case with Nazi
generosity, there is a catch. The books are selected, and
the films designed, with one fundamental purpose in
mind: propaganda. Even when the soldier is relaxing,
the doctrine of German superiority is being drummed
into him.
The German Army pay scale is lower than ours. A German
private receives $6 a month; a lance corporal, $30.80; a
corporal, $47.48; a sergeant, $67.20; a first
sergeant, $74.72. A lieutenant may receive from $960
to $1,680 annually; a first lieutenant, from $1,360 to $1,680. A
private at the front gets an extra 40 cents a day, or 80
cents a day if he is sent to Africa. Officers and noncommissioned
officers receive double this amount. Only
soldier's dependents who can show evidence that they
need assistance are granted financial aid, and even then
the matter is in the hands of a district administrative
authority. When the families of officers or noncommissioned
officers include children, the following monthly
allowances are made: $4 when there is one child, $8 if
there are two, $10 if there are three or four. Unfortunately
for the soldier's family, this does not insure a decent
living standard, partly because such basic necessities as
food, clothing, and fuel are not only very expensive in the
Reich, but dangerously scarce.
Despite the internal conditions in Germany, the average
German soldier seldom feels that he is being pushed
around by his leaders. His morale is good. He takes
pride in the unit to which he belongs, and fights without
a word of question or reproach. On the whole, he is
convinced that although World War II is unfortunate,
it is necessary if his people, the master race, are to rule
the world.
a. Standard Field Service Uniform (see fig. 1b)
Privates and noncommissioned officers in the field wear
a steel helmet painted with a gray, rust-resistant paint,
or a field service cap made of greenish-gray cloth. This
cap may be worn under the helmet. The blouse is also
greenish-gray; it has a standing collar of a darker shade.
The waist belt is of soft black leather and has a dull
white metal buckle. Cartridge pouches are attached to
the belt. The gray cloth trousers are tucked into the
top of black calf-length boots. The overcoat is gray,
with a dark green collar, and is double-breasted. The
soldier carries a pack (haversack in the case of mounted
troops), a shelter-half with ropes, a canteen, a gas mask
and protective gas cape, an entrenching tool, and side
arms. Officers' field uniforms are similar to
those of line soldiers.
b. Field Uniforms of Special Units
(1) Armored force troops.--Tank and armored-car personnel
wear a loose-fitting black uniform with a black
field service cap or a steel helmet. Armored-car personnel
may also wear a protective camouflage uniform of
greenish cloth, cut like the black uniform. Medium
armored troop-carrier personnel wear the black uniform
with a black beret. The crews of medium self-propelled
antitank guns wear a gray uniform, cut like the black uniform,
and a gray field service cap or steel helmet.
(2) Parachute troops1 (see fig. 1a).--Parachutists wear
a brimless steel helmet with chin and neck straps, loose-fitting
gray-green coveralls with very short legs, gauntlet
gloves, and ankle-length boots laced at the sides. Loose
gray trousers (like extra-long knickers) and a gray blouse
are worn under the coveralls. The leather belt is supported
by two front straps fastened to a ring and a single
strap at the back. To the belt are attached a revolver,
two haversacks, a canteen, and a gas mask. A rolled
bivouac cape may be hung from the shoulders down the
(3) Mountain troops.--These troops wear a special cap
(similar to the field service cap, but with the addition of a
cloth visor), the ordinary type of service blouse, gray
trousers fastened around the ankles by puttees, and ankle
boots. They carry a loose knapsack (rucksack) and a large
canteen. In snow, they may be equipped with snowshoes
or skis, and white coveralls.
![[Figure 1. (a) German Parachutist's uniform (standard); (b) German Field Service uniform (standard).]](pics/german-uniforms.jpg) |
Figure 1. (a) German Parachutist's uniform (standard); (b) German Field Service uniform (standard). |
c. Insignia of Grade
Sergeants wear distinctive shoulder straps (no chevrons). The
gray-green background of the strap is bordered by a
silver strip, around which is a narrow braid in the distinctive
color of the wearer's arm or service. Certain
grades of sergeants also wear silver stars on their straps.
Corporals', lance corporals', and privates' straps are
gray-green, with a braid in the distinctive color. The regimental
number may appear on the background of the
strap; the strap button may show the number of the
wearer's company or equivalent unit. Corporals and
lance corporals wear chevrons on the sleeves of their
blouses. Collar patches, showing the color of the arm or
service, are worn by all grades.
d. Other Distinguishing Marks
(1) Distinctive colors of arms and services.--Each of the
arms and services has a distinctive color. The more
important are as follows:
Red | | Artillery. |
Black | | Engineers. |
Dark green | | Officials. |
Dark blue | | Medical. |
Light blue | | Motor transport. |
Crimson | | General Staff officers. |
Violet | | Smoke troops. |
Light yellow | | Signal. |
Deep yellow | | Cavalry regiments, mounted or partly mounted. Cyclist battalions (+ letter R). |
Pink | | Tank regiments. Antitank battalions (+ letter P). |
Grass green | | Motorcycle battalions (+ letter K). |
Copper brown | | Reconnaissance units (+ letter A). |
White | | Infantry regiments (normal and motorized). Motorized machine-gun battalions (+ letter M). |
Light green | | Mountain rifle regiments. Rifle battalions. |
On the field uniform, the appropriate color appears in the background
or small braid of the shoulder strap and in the background
of the collar patch.
![[Figure 2. German insignia: Shoulder straps. Numerals denoting company, battery, or troop may appear on the end buttons; numerals denoting regiment may appear on the center of the straps.]](pics/german-insignia.jpg) |
Figure 2. German insignia: Shoulder straps. Numerals denoting company,
battery, or troop may appear on the end buttons; numerals denoting
regiment may appear on the center of the straps. |
(2) Paybooks.--Although paybooks are not supposed
to be carried into battle, United Nations troops may
capture them in the course of offensive operations. The
paybook will show the unit in which the holder is serving,
and in addition, the units of the field army in which he
has served previously, the depot unit in which he was
first trained (unless he was already serving in the army
on mobilization in 1939), and the depot units which supply
replacements for various field army units. All such
entries should be noted.
(3) National insignia.--The national insignia (a spread
eagle over a swastika) is worn above the right breast
pocket of the field blouse, on the front of the cap and
beret, and on the left side of the steel helmet.
(4) National rosette.--This is a small circular insignia
in black, white, and red. It is worn below the national
insignia on all headdress except the steel helmet. On
the black beret, and on all visored caps except the mountain
cap, it is flanked by oak leaves.
(5) National colors.--The national colors--black, white, and
red--are worn in the form of a shield painted on the right side
of the steel helmet.
(6) Identification tags.--German identification tags seldom
show the unit in which a man is currently serving
(unless he has lost the original tag which was issued him
when he was assigned to a depot unit, and his present unit
has issued a replacement). However, these tags may
record the existence of a previously unidentified unit, and a
report should always be made of the information stamped
on them.
1Parachute troops are members of the Air Force.