The Germans are equipping tank destroyers and assault guns
with an indirect-laying and indirect-aiming device so that the
personnel of these heavy armored vehicles can put up an
improved defense against close-in attacks without exposing
themselves. The new device consists of a standard light machine
gun, the M.G. 34, mounted on a hollow-column base on top of
the armored fighting compartment. Controls are fitted so that
the gunner can aim, elevate, and traverse the gun from his seat
inside the vehicle. The gun's shield is so designed that a
standard 50-round drum may be attached to the left of the
gun's receiver.
![[An armored shield protects the mechanism of the gun and also the mount.]](fig2_remote_mg_mount.jpg) |
An armored shield
protects the mechanism of the gun and also the mount. |
![[The gunner remains inside the armored fighting compartment.]](fig3_panzer_mg_interior.jpg) |
The gunner
remains inside the armored fighting compartment. With
one hand he controls the traverse; with the other, the elevation. He
aims by means of a periscope. To reload, he must open a hatch. |
This remote-controlled gun differs from previous forms of
superstructure-mounted machine guns in that each of the
conventional types must be operated by a man standing with his
head and shoulders exposed above an open hatch.
Although some protection is afforded by a folding shield
which faces forward, the conventional mounts permit forward
fire only. The new type of mount is designed to give protection
against attack from sides and rear, as well, and to supplement
the fire of the bow gun now fitted on the latest German tank